"What has the Union ever done for me?"
That’s the question many that are anti-union are urging you to ask yourselves.
We think they’re greatly underestimating the common sense of our members. Think about some of the gains your local union, NYSUT and our national affiliates, AFT and NEA, have won for you over the years. The many benefits, protections and rights you enjoy weren’t gifts from a benevolent employer or a kindly government. Your union and the union members who went before you fought hard for them. And they can disappear quickly if your union’s ability to effectively represent you is destroyed. Many of the following are rights and benefits you have now … and don’t want to lose.
Right to collectively bargain terms and conditions of employment
Defined work day and work year
A strong DEFINED BENEFIT pension system
Salary schedules providing automatic annual wage increases
Employer-provided health, dental, and vision plans
Paid vacations, holidays, sick/family sick leave, bereavement leave, and personal leave
Post-retirement health insurance
Defense of tenure and other due process rights
Right to representation in all disciplinary proceedings
Seniority protections against arbitrary layoffs and involuntary transfers
Stipends for extracurricular activities and other work beyond the contractual workday
Health and safety provisions
Anti-discrimination protections
Grievance and arbitration procedures to protect against violation of contractual rights
Protection against diminishment of pension benefits
Right to examine and reproduce materials in your personnel file
Voluntary overtime, overtime pay, and shift premiums for hourly employees
Paid professional development
Terminal leave payments and retirement incentives
Sick bank rights
Welfare funds
Fighting for adequate and equitable funding for public schools, higher ed., and healthcare
Fighting for a fair evaluation system
Advocating for our students, their families, and their communities
These are just some of the things your union has done for you. Every one of these rights and benefits – and many others – could be taken away if your union is weakened or destroyed. The Koch brothers are hoping you won’t think about that until it’s too late!